Sunday, June 19, 2011

"Bombing for Peace is Like..." - ORIGINAL POSTING DATE: MON., DEC. 28TH, 2009

"We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want" - Lao Tzu (Founder of Taoism and author of the Tao Te Ching). We live within the bounds of multiple identities. Gender, race, class, sexuality, religion, political affiliation, family membership, etc.. Yet we are each more than one human body walking earth. More similar than different.

Why do I yawn when I hear someone yawn over the phone or see it on t.v.? Why do you experience déjà vu? How can someone’s mind be totally busy thinking a thousand thoughts intently during the whole drive to work but still manage to drive their car skillfully, and arrive there, only to realize they were not really “there” when driving? “Where” were “they”? “Who” or “what” was doing the driving? How did my mother dream of white sheets several years ago and wake up that morning knowing I was in the hospital many miles away and could not communicate with her? When we really get to know ourselves, learn about others, and contemplate the mysteries of life, we can recognize that we are part of one universal consciousness. The shell of our body is so little of what we are.

Activity: Let me see the emptiness within myself. The potential of our greatness as continuations of all that has been and will ever be. Let me take one action today to prove that I see myself in someone else, in the larger whole. Smile at a stranger. Listen when you really want to shut down. Put yourself in your enemy’s shoes. Try to defend someone in need.

Reason to call in “present” for life today (Social Justice Cause): Right now Americans are frightened because of recent alleged terrorist plots targeting airplanes. Many influential people continue play upon these fears, demonizing what they see as a faceless mass of evildoers unworthy of human rights. If someone is threatening to kill, that is a major problem to be handled immediately. But the way we handle threats makes all the difference in the world. Each human being has the capacity to cause harm, feel pain, and love. All of us bleed, think, and dream. Thich Nhat Hanh says that when we understand the true meaning of love, we will not be able to have enemies. There is so much of us in our enemies. Being really human means you see yourself in your enemy. Until we practice ways to target the root cause of hatred and extremism, rather than hurling back hatred and extremism, the cycle of misunderstanding and violence will continue. I invite you to learn about, explore, and promote just ways of fighting terrorism that preserve all human rights. Bombing for peace is like screwing for virginity.


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